Volunteers help pack emergency shelf-stable meals for
Several volunteers recently donated their time and efforts to help Ottawa County Senior Resources pack shelf-stable meals, which will be distributed to home-delivered meal clients.
The meals will be delivered during the winter months, for clients to have in the event hot meals cannot be delivered due to weather emergencies.
After enjoying a senior center meal, the volunteers got down to business and packed more than 600 meals.
Volunteers who were instrumental in making the process go smoothly and quickly included Ron Fastzkie, Crystal Booher, Ottawa County Commissioner Mark Stahl, Ottawa Co. Commissioner Don Douglas, Mel Wilburn, Jim Lamplate, Sherri Bourne, State Rep. DJ Swearinger, Glenna Hetrick, Kathy Withrow, Arlene Wilburn, Sarah Wagner, Carol Raves, Karen Layman, Jane Wolf, Kari Steele, Bev Lehrman, Betty Smith, Rose Snyder, Lynn Myosky, Jodi Biggert, Dante Funk, Kim Sedlak, Ray Krofft and Judy Smith.
“Thanks again to everyone who helped us pack these meals, and to Aetna Better Health for supplying reusable bags to deliver the meals in,” said Dianne Mortensen, director, Ottawa County Senior Resources.