Packer Creek improvement plan petitioned
Residents in the Packer Creek watershed in Wood, Ottawa, and Sandusky counties will have an opportunity this week to view the scope of a proposed improvement project for the creek.
Notices have been sent to landowners in the watershed advising them they can view an engineering report on the project March 7 at 10 a.m. at the meeting room of the Wood County commissioners on the fifth floor of the county office building in Bowling Green.
The first hearing on the project is scheduled for April 16 at 10 a.m. at the same location.
A petition for the clean-up project was filed with the Wood County Board of Commissioners.
Within 21 days of the viewing landowners may file an amendment to the petition that expands the length of the proposed improvement.
Amendments or written comments should be submitted to the clerk of the Wood County commissioners, One Courthouse Square, Bowling Green, 43402.
“If the improvement is approved and constructed, all costs of engineering, constructing, and future maintenance will be assessed to the benefiting parcels of land,” the notices say.
The main channel of the watershed begins at a catch basin on the south side of Sugar Ridge Road, approximately 2,000 feet west of Mercer Road. It proceeds to the northeast to the intersection of Fostoria Road and State Rt. 163 and follows through to the Village of Genoa and then to State Rt. 590.
Maps of the location of the proposed improvement were included with the mailed notices.
For information about the project contact the Wood County engineer’s office at 419-354-9060 or