Oregon approves contract for waterline improvements
Oregon City Council on Monday approved the bid of Hillabrand & Sons Construction, LLC, Northwood, for the Starr Avenue Extension and Norden Road Waterline Improvements Project.
The project will improve the water distribution system. The improvements consist of replacing approximately 5,300 feet of 8-inch waterline, including new hydrants, valves and service connections on the south side of Starr Avenue Extension between Wynn and Stadium roads, This will be a replacement of an existing waterline that is prone to breakage. The existing service connections along Starr Avenue Extension will be connected to the new 8-inch waterline.
The Norden Road portion of the project includes installing approximately 5,400 feet of 12-inch waterline, including hydrants and valves, along Norden Road between Cedar Point Road north to Bayshore Road. The purpose is to create a looped system for the dead end at Bay Shore Road.
Council President Dennis Walendzak asked Public Service Director Paul Roman about the benefits of looping the waterline.
“It increases the pressure that’s available in the area,” said Roman, which will aid the fire service.
“A lot of times, you don’t want dead ends. Bay Shore itself when it ends at the cul-de-sac is a dead end. The project will actually provide a loop from Cedar Point to Stadium to Bay Shore and now Norden Road that will be providing that extra pressure.”
On Dec. 13, the city received a total of 11 bids for the project. The lowest bid was submitted by Cash Services, LLC, doing business as Hillabrand & Sons Construction, LLC., for $746,547,02.
Other companies that bid include:
•Crestline Paving, $945,452.75;
•E.R. Zeiler Excavating, Inc., $784,674;
•Speer Bros., Inc., $819,317;
•Buckeye Excavating & Construction, Inc., 795,796;
•Great Lakes Demolition Co., $949,508;
•RA Bores Excavating, $837,920.84.
•Geo. Gradel Co., $954,825.35;
•Expercon, LLC, $917,358;
•Hank’s Plumbing & Heating, $870,568;
•Salenbien Trucking & Excavating, Inc., $887,607.06.
Based on a review of the proposals and the city’s prior experience on waterline installation projects, the Department of Public Service recommended to council that Hillabrand & Sons Construction, LLC, be awarded the contract. The company previously installed a waterline down Brown Road, said Roman.
The city received a 1 percent low interest loan through the Ohio Environmental Protection’s Water Supply Revolving Loan Account (WSRLA) for design and construction of the project, said Roman.
The project was included in the approved 2020 CIP budget.
Also at the meeting, council renewed an agreement with the Lucas County Public Defender Commission to be in effect from January 1 to Dec. 31, 2020 for counsel to represent indigent defendants charged with violations of municipal ordinances that have the possibility of jail time, according to City Law Director Melissa Purpura.
The cost to the city is $39,692, the same amount as last year’s agreement. “Each day the court is in session, two attorneys are present to represent individuals. It has been successful. They do a great job. It has allowed our court to flow efficiently and smoothly,” said Purpura.
Council also agreed to extend its participation in the Regional Combined Health District beyond its expiration date of Jan. 1, 2020.
“Almost 20 years ago, we formed a regional health district by merging city and county efforts to lower costs and better leverage grant dollars,” said Administrator Mike Beazley, “We’ve generally done this with three to five year agreements. This is a one year agreement because we’re looking at how we should go long term and maintain the status quo for a year as we use this time to maybe look at a bigger picture.”