News Briefs Week of 6/14/2021

Staff Writer

Florida Turnpike
accepting E-ZPass
Ohio’s E-ZPass customers can now enjoy seamless travel with their E-ZPass transponder on Florida’s Turnpike System and all toll facilities owned or operated by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), bringing interoperability across 18 states.
“This is big news for our Ohio E-ZPass customers,” said Ferzan M. Ahmed, P.E., executive director of the Ohio Turnpike. “Our customers, some of whom are ‘snowbirds,’ have been asking for Florida to join the E-ZPass network. It’s great that our transportation partners in Florida were able to make this happen.”
“The 35-member toll agencies in the 19-state E-ZPass region congratulate the Florida Department of Transportation and Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise on this significant step toward national interoperability in toll collection,” said P.J. Wilkins, executive director of the E-ZPass Group. “Our customers have long sought a solution where they can utilize a single toll account for their travels up and down the coast. This announcement fulfills a commitment to each of our customers and provides a seamless travel experience.”
With the addition of Florida’s Turnpike System to the E-ZPass family, toll road users will enjoy improved mobility and enhanced customer service along nearly 900 miles of roadway in the Sunshine State.
E-ZPass is the largest interoperable toll collection program in the nation, consisting of agencies in 18 states and servicing more than 24 million accounts.

Nonprofit funding
opportunity available
The Board of Trustees of Greater Toledo Community Foundation (GTCF) is providing a funding opportunity for local nonprofit organizations as part of its Equity & Access Initiative.
The Equity & Access Initiative Fund was created to proactively address the concerns raised by communities that are disproportionately impacted by inequity and lack of access in the Greater Toledo area.
The foundation is seeking proposals that address a variety of areas, including advocacy, economic development, employment and nonprofit capacity. Local nonprofit organizations that are located in and providing services for residents of Northwest Ohio or southeast Michigan may apply for funding, and the foundation is especially interested in collaborative proposals that leverage multiple partners’ expertise.
The grant application process calls for a Letter of Intent describing the proposed project and detail of how it meets the priorities of the fund. A select group of projects will be invited to submit full proposals then for consideration. The GTCF Board will approve final funding recommendations and grantees will be notified of their awards in mid-April, 2022.
All nonprofit organizations, from small capacity nonprofits, grassroots associations and established nonprofits, are encouraged to apply for funding for new and existing projects that align with the focus of the fund.
Through The Center for Nonprofit Resources, GTCF is offering a series of virtual webinars in late June and early July to explain the grant opportunity and how to apply. There will be several small focused group discussions (invitation only) and one open for public registration. The session open to the community will be held on July 7 from 5-5:45 p.m. Registration is required. Register online at https

Power outage
hits Oregon
About 840 customers of Toledo Edison in the City of Oregon were affected by a power outage June 4 from 5:47 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.
A spokesperson for the utility said there was a problem with a recloser, a piece of equipment that functions like a circuit breaker in a building when a fault such as a tree branch or animal makes contact with the distribution system.
Residents of Wynn Road and surrounding areas were impacted by the outage.


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