Letters to the Editor Week of 12/23/19
Opting to not
run for sheriff
To the editor: I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who circulated and signed my petition to run as a Republican candidate for sheriff of Wood County. After much consultation with family, friends and supporters, I will not be filing those petitions.
I wish to continue to be involved in the development of what has been described as “the most exciting spot for growth in the region”, which is the State Rt. 795 corridor between Rossford at I-75 and Lake Township at I-280. This area is prime for all types of residential, commercial and industrial development. I feel a strong commitment to do my part, as a member of a regional team, to ensure that this growth is managed in a responsible manner so as to positively affect the quality of life, safety and security of those who currently live, work or travel through this corridor.
With that being said, I would not have considered a run for sheriff if I, and others, did not believe that some issues affecting all Wood County residents may be considered by this, or future sheriffs.
Wood County needs a county-wide drug task force, coordinated by the sheriff, but with the spirit of cooperation that gives a voice and weight to the city, village and township police departments.
The jail expansion needs a second look and input from others beyond those who work at the sheriff’s office. With changes in bail requirements possible, we may already have adequate space to fulfill the needs of Wood County. Seventeen million dollars is a huge investment if the end game is to house out-of-county prisoners for $65 per day. The safety of our citizens and deputies should come first. Could this money be better spent by the commissioners on other safety issues that exist county-wide - perhaps supporting an EMS system that benefits all of us?
The sheriff should be supporting, not blocking, efforts by two of the largest police departments in his county, Perrysburg Township and Lake Township, from having full jurisdiction in the communities they are sworn to serve.
These are just some of the questions you may want to ask the sheriff, commissioners, or state representatives.
I always look forward to working for the good of the citizens I currently serve and all of those who reside, work or travel through this great county.
Edward Mark Hummer, II
Police chief, administrator
of Lake Township