Letters To the Editor
Oregon senior
levy needed
To the editor: Last year, due to a state law modification in the way governmental entities have language placed on the ballot, the Lucas County Board of Elections rejected Oregon’s ballot language for the senior services levy renewal.
As a result, the Oregon senior services levy will be back on the ballot this November as a new levy. The 0.5-mill will remain the same without an increase.
Funding changed, but not the need. Due to the increase of the Baby Boomers the need is even greater. Our mission is to help keep the seniors in their home and active in the community while being able to age gracefully.
The center assists in so many areas, nutrition, transportation, supportive services, medical evaluations, recreation, chores, wellness, and exercise programs. Fellowship and companionship are also important to those living alone.
The residents of Oregon are faced with two senior levies this election year. Due to the problems incurred last fall, the Lucas County senior services levy will also be on the ballot. Both the county and the City of Oregon levies are vital in the support of our aging population. We invite you to stop in and tour our facility and inquire regarding any questions you may have regarding the levies.
Oregon voters need to rally behind these proposed levies and vote for the levies in November.
Paula Benton
Executive Director
JWH Oregon Senior Center, Inc.
Paramedics vital
to township
To the editor: The residents of Lake Township have especially important decisions to make on election day. A lot of negative rhetoric regarding our fire department has been released. Please know that we have outstanding personnel who are dedicated to this township. I ask you to support them.
The first levy you will see on the ballot is a renewal levy for the fire department. This levy is a 5-year renewal issue first put in place in the 1990s. It brings in $240,000 per year to fund salaries for the part-time and two full-time staffers for the department. This is not a new tax.
The second levy is a 1.5-mill, 5-year levy to place four new full-time paramedics on the department. This is the only thing this levy can be used for.
There is a shortage of paramedics and most of the area departments have been hiring. We currently have two full-time paramedics and three part-time on staff. Four additional paramedics would help to ensure that when you call a squad, you would receive one paramedic and one EMT firefighter.
Last fall, the levy failed and we held many meetings with a citizens panel. The result was a recommendation to ask for a lower millage levy that can be renewed every five years.
We believe that we can help to shore up our personnel with this new levy.
I hope you will carefully consider voting yes on this new millage request.
Lorie Davis
Lake Township trustee