Health benefits of water exercise

Press Staff Writer

        Spending time in the water this summer is a great way to stay cool. It can also be a great way to stay in shape.
        Collin Kitchell, MD, family medicine physician for Cleveland Clinic Florida, highlights the health benefits.
        “Some of the spectacular health benefits of aqua therapy and swimming is that it’s non-weight bearing, especially in our older population that may have more arthritis,” said Dr. Kitchell. “Having the ability to move the joints without the impact actually gives them the exercise without the discomfort.” 
        Water exercise can also help with cardiovascular health, strengthen muscles, improve flexibility and endurance, and even reduce stress.
        So, what are some good exercises for the water?
        Dr. Kitchell said you don’t have to do anything intense.
        If you’re not a big swimmer or find it too strenuous, you can simply walk around the pool to get some steps in.
        There are also water aerobics classes available in many communities. The classes typically include a variety of exercises focusing on both cardio and strength-training.
        “Anyone that’s getting into exercise, this is a great place to start. It’s easy, it’s fun, you get to get in the water, and it really limits the injury impact you could have due to the reduction of your weight being in the water with the buoyancy,” said Dr. Kitchell.
        Dr. Kitchell said if you have a pre-existing health condition, it’s best to talk with your physician before trying water exercise.
        However, it’s generally low-impact so for most people it’s safe to do.


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