GPA: Captain Scupper’s Kids Club offers online maritime activities

Press Staff Writer

        In an effort to help educators, parents, and students stay connected to Great Lakes History, the National Museum of the Great Lakes (NMGL) has reimagined Captain Scupper’s Kids Club to become their newest virtual initiative.
            “We all want to do what we can to help others during this incredibly difficult time. Providing free, online resources in the form of videos, interactive learning tools, and educator guides is one way we can help combat growing feelings of isolation along with providing educational support tools during this time at home,” says Kate Fineske, the museum’s Director of Communication and Development.
        The new Kids Club landing page at will be updated regularly and includes online and downloadable maritime activities for kids of all ages along with teacher and parent resources to support learning standards.
        “Secondary educators and students may want to explore resources that interact with the museum’s new ‘Port of Toledo: Then and Now’ online exhibit,” said Education and Visitor Experience Director Ellen Kennedy. “Primary students can check out Captain Scupper’s Kids Book Club or learn the signal flag alphabet using an easy, at-home activity guide.”
        NMGL also released information on “Color the Colonel,” a contest for kids to share their artistic talents and coloring skills using original art drawn by cartoonist Don Lee.
        Over the last several weeks, with stay-at-home orders in effect, NMGL has substantially increased its virtual education initiatives including a continuously updated online exhibit, two new video series, blog posts, and virtual museum tours. All content is free and mission-focused to preserve and make known the history of the Great Lakes.
Online learning for all ages
        The Toledo Lucas County Public Library offers research tools to help students working on school assignments, as well as adults looking to learn on their own.
        Families and children will find useful homework help including online tutoring, paper review and assistance with math problems on Make learning fun by finding science experiments to try or explore other cultures and parts of the world from the comfort of your home.
        Adults and teens can learn about technology and design on, brush up on their core skills with LearningExpressLibrary ( or have their resume reviewed through There are also tools to help with the Ohio Driver's License exam, home improvement projects and genealogy research.


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