CMP offers new laser shot simulator, other open activities this fall

Ashley Dugan

CMP Staff Writer

Those searching for unique activities during the fall months may want to look to the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP), headquartered on the grounds of Camp Perry near Port Clinton.
Dedicated to firearm safety and training for all, the CMP has designed a variety of competitive and learning opportunities available to the public that aren’t just for practical purposes – they’re also fun.
Indoor air gun range and Olympic displays: The Gary Anderson CMP Competition Center, located on Camp Perry and open to the public, houses an indoor 80-point electronic air gun range formatted for the use of both air rifles and air pistols. The air guns are propelled by compressed air, expelling virtually no kick back and little sound, making them ideal for young and older participants alike.
Guests may bring their own air guns (as long as they are .177 cal. with muzzle velocities of 600 fps or less) or rent from the CMP. Outside of the range, the building offers several displays of Olympic memorabilia from the career of two-time gold medalist, Gary Anderson, as well as other amenities. The facility may also be rented for parties, group building sessions and more. Visit for more information.
Laser shot simulators: The latest installment to the Gary Anderson CMP Competition Center is the Laser Shot Simulator – essentially, a hands-on video game for firearms. The simulator offers many options, including rifles, pistols and shotguns, which act as the controller of the game.
Users simply point the adapted firearm to the game projection screen and choose a course. The wide selection features steel target simulations and other challenges in a controlled and safe environment. The simulator programs are capable of being used for civilian training, military qualifications and law enforcement purposes.
Open air gun competitions: Throughout the year, the Gary Anderson CMP Competition Center hosts a number of competitive opportunities for anyone to enjoy. Such CMP matches open to those of any skill level – from beginner to expert – include the Monthly Air Gun Matches as well as several postal events like the Aces Postal and CMP Postal.
The postal matches are fired upon official targets and submitted to be compared among others competing in the same match from around the country. Those in JROTC programs may also enter the annual JROTC Postal , which moves on to regional and national levels. For junior athletes, the Gary Anderson Invitational is a staple event during the air gun season.
For those who aren’t interested in competing but are curious about the sport, all competitions are open for viewing, free of charge.
Junior Rifle Club: Youths local to the Camp Perry area may choose to join the Junior Rifle Club, designed . an introduction to the air rifle sport. Each training session is led by former NCAA Division I rifle athletes, with fundamental instruction on firearm safety, basics of the sport and tips on becoming a well-rounded athlete. There is no initial cost to join, with equipment provided by the CMP in introductory weeks. For more information, email Ryan Hinson at
Petrarca Range: If you aren’t ready to head indoors just yet, Petrarca Range on Camp Perry is an outdoor area open to the public each week through November. The range includes 10 electronic rifle targets set up at 100 yards (though capable of simulating up to 600 yards) and five cardboard pistol targets set at 50 feet or 25/50 yards.
Guests may bring their own firearms to use for $10 per hour ($25 for three hours), up to a .30-06 ammo caliber. The range will also host a Garand/Springfield/Vintage and Modern Military Rifle Match on Sept. 23. Visit the CMP website at for registration info.


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