Published by twalro@presspub... on Sun, 11/14/2021 - 3:08pm
A good time was had by all at the Genoa Senior Center’s pizza party/costume party. The seniors really got in the Halloween spirit this year, with quite a few participants dressed in costume. Prizes were awarded to the top four costumes.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Mon, 09/20/2021 - 6:58am
“Gardening adds years to your life and life to your years.” – Unknown.
The quote holds true for Dorothy Czaja, resident of the Gardens of St. Francis in Oregon.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Mon, 09/20/2021 - 6:56am
The Toledo Zoo celebrating Senior Discovery Days in September and October.
In addition to free admission every Wednesday, seniors 60 and better can enjoy the following weekday perks (Monday-Friday).
In addition, Monday through Friday,
Published by twalro@presspub... on Mon, 09/20/2021 - 6:55am
Genoa Retirement Village resident Bert Fleitz enjoyed a special outing on Friday, Sept. 3.
Boarding the retirement village’s bus with his daughter, Carol Phillips, and son, Paul Fleitz, 100-year-old Bert set out for a trip to Fleitz Pumpkin Farm in Oregon.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Mon, 09/20/2021 - 6:53am
The number of scammers who target the elderly are increasing every day, bilking our seniors out of billions of dollars every year. If you fall prey to these scams, you just could find your bank accounts cleaned out.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Mon, 09/20/2021 - 6:51am
September is Falls Prevention Awareness Month in Ohio.
Approximately one in three Ohioans age 65 or older will fall this year, yet falls are not a normal part of aging and most falls can be prevented.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Mon, 09/20/2021 - 6:50am
With 2022 Medicare Open Enrollment period coming up, it is a good time to do a “Medicare Check Up” to review Medicare basics and your coverage options.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Mon, 09/20/2021 - 6:47am
New research from AARP explores how the pandemic affected people who are both working and providing care to a loved one, and their concerns about returning to pre-pandemic routines.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Mon, 09/20/2021 - 6:46am
If surgery is in the near future for you or a loved one, understanding exactly what will happen on surgery day (and the days that follow) will help you best prepare and ensure an easier — and speedier — recovery. No matter the type of surgery you’re facing, a few basics apply.