Wood County: CodeRED test call set for July 1

Staff Writer

A test call in Wood County of the CodeRED emergency mass notification system is scheduled for July 1 at 10 a.m.
The Wood County Emergency Management System is conducting the test as part of an effort to have residents update their contact information listed with the system.
The notificiation system platform sends one-way messages about emergencies in their area to residents who have provided their name. phone number or email address and the preferred method of notification.
The platform is organized in conjunction with the Northwest Water and Sewer District, cities of Bowling Green, Northwood, Perrysburg and Rossford;, villages of Bradner, Custar, Grand Rapids, Pemberville, Walbridge, Wayne, and West Millgrove, and Lake Township, Liberty Township, Middleton Township, Montgomery Township and Perrysburg Township.
Two mass notification systems that were in use in the county merged last year and formed CodeRED.
After the merger, each political subdivision in the county continued to pay for their own systems until the Wood County commissioners entered into discussions with CodeRED management to establish a price for the entire county.
Under the new format, the county pays for half of the annual fee and the participating townships and municipalities pay half
Emergency notifications are made based on a geographic boundary for those in an area of concern and participants will not need to question whether their location is in an area of concern, said Jeff Klein, the county EMA director. If you are being notified by CodeRED, you are in the area of concern, he said.
The National Weather Service uses what is called a standard polygon for their alerts, which can be passed through CodeRED. For registered phone numbers, alerts will be sent based on the address on file with the company.
If a township or municipality has been using CodeRED and residents are already receiving notifications, their contact information has been moved and they don’t need to take further action.
If not, the county EMA is asking them to register at www.woodcountyema.org or their local community website.
While signing up, residents can choose what types of alert they would like to receive and how they would like to receive them.
The test call will ensure participants know how to register or update their information and verify the landline and cell phone infrastructure to determine if the county can get the phone notifications in a timely manner.
The test call will be postponed if there is a forecast of severe weather at the time.



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