Vacations, nights out can be ruined by theft

Ron Craig, Crime Prevention/Community Policing Officer

        Summer has arrived. Families are going on vacation and enjoying more outdoor activities – a welcome time for fun and relaxation.
        What you should not do is relax your consciousness of personal safety or safekeeping of the things you own. Whether you are going on an extended vacation or just going out for a night of entertainment, there are precautions you can take to safeguard your property.
        If you are leaving home to take a vacation, make sure your home is being watched and cared for. Ask a neighbor, friend or relative you trust to make frequent visits to check the property, and to be seen by others who may be trolling the area to pick a target for crime.
        Have that person watch for packages that may be delivered during your absence, retrieving them to give to you when you return. Packages left for days is like having a billboard telling others you are not at home.
        Also, to help make your place look lived-in. Hold your mail and stop your newspaper if you don’t have anyone to get them for you on a daily basis. Purchasing an electronic timer or smart plugs to turn lights on and off, and to play music is another good idea. Patterns can be easily detected by someone paying close attention. Timers that are set for the same time every day create a pattern.
        Make sure all doors and windows are secure and fix any problems with them before you leave.
        In crime prevention, there is a saying that some of the best protection comes from “lights, locks, and alarms.” Having lights, both inside and outside, can keep some criminals at bay. They like working in the dark. Remember, however, that even deadbolt locks do little to keep people out if they are placed within arm’s reach of a window.
        Alarms are a good idea, and they need not be expensive. Yes, you can have a professional alarm system installed that can alert police if it is triggered. Even if a system is installed with no charge for the equipment, remember you will still be responsible for monthly monitoring fees.
        Most home improvement stores carry inexpensive alarm devices that can be user-installed in minutes. While they are not professionally monitored by an alarm company, the sound they emit may be loud enough for a neighbor to hear or to at least scare off a would-be burglar.
        Turn your computer off and disconnect it from your internet source. This should prevent others from hacking into it while you are gone, only to find out after you return there has been a problem. By then, it may be too late to do much about the issue.
        If you have a garage, keep any windows covered to prevent anyone from knowing your car is gone, thus giving a clue you are not home. This is true all the time, not just when you are vacationing.
        If you are just going out for the night, there are still precautions you can take to prevent a potentially devastating loss.
        Keep lights and a television on if your house will not be occupied during your absence. This gives others the impression someone is at home. Keep all doors and windows secure while you are away.
        Following these simple guidelines will help to avoid coming home to a major problem that will certainly be an unhappy ending to a nice vacation or night out.
        This article is a public service from the Crime Prevention Division of the Lake Township Police Department. Township residents may obtain further information on crime prevention and public safety topics by contacting Ron Craig, crime prevention specialist/community policing officer, at 419-481-6354.


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