Teens invited to team up for conservation
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) is putting together a team of high school student leaders from diverse backgrounds to join the Conservation Teen Advisory Council (ConTAC).
ODNR is looking for highly motivated students who are interested in natural resource conservation, outdoor outreach, wildlife, or simply making a positive impact in their state.
“Students passionate about the environment are some of our greatest assets when it comes to protecting our natural resources,” ODNR Director Mary Mertz said. “I’m excited to not only have a new group come and learn from ODNR experts, but to inspire them to do great things. Each new class offers a different perspective and energy that is so valuable and appreciated at ODNR.”
2022-2023 ConTAC
ConTAC gives students a chance to meet new peers from across the state with similar interests. Through monthly meetings and project work, members will develop and implement innovative and practical ideas that empower young people to protect and preserve Ohio’s natural resources. They will also provide feedback and make recommendations to enhance outdoor outreach. Council members also get the chance to explore careers in the natural resources sector and develop valuable networking and leadership skills.
See some of ConTAC’s work at youtube.com/watch?v=CXIcUp41vcA.
Students entering grades 9-12 for the 2023-2024 school year are eligible to apply. Selection of the 2023-2024 ConTAC class will be made early summer 2023.
Learn more about the program at ohiodnr.gov/discover-and-learn/education-training/contac. Additional questions can be directed to William Armbruster at william.armbruster@dnr.ohio.gov.
To apply for ODNR’s Conservation Teen Advisory Council, visit ohiodnr.gov/discover-and-learn/education-training/contac/contac-application. The deadline to apply is Monday, June 20.