Spruce up your model train at annual Model Train Clinic Jan. 2
Do you have questions about model trains? Does your model train need repair?
Veteran model train hobbyists can help at the annual Model Train Clinic planned for Saturday, Jan. 2, at the Hayes Presidential Library & Museums in Fremont.
The hobbyists will be available to give expert advice about train repair and help estimate the value of some trains.
The clinic will run from 1-4 p.m. in the Hayes museum auditorium. Admission is $5 per person ages 6 and older and free for kids 5 and younger.
Tickets include access to the Hayes Train Special model train display, which will also be located in the museum auditorium.
Advance tickets are recommended and are available at www.showclix.com/tickets/modeltrainclinic2020. Walk-ins will be admitted pending availability at the front desk.
Attendees must wear face coverings unless they have an accepted exemption to the state of Ohio’s mask mandate.
Train clinic participants can try running their model trains on the “Hayes Train Special” tracks. The display fits O-gauge, standard and G-gauge trains.
In this display, model trains wind through a Victorian winter wonderland reminiscent of President Rutherford B. Hayes’ day.
The Hayes Train Special, which has been a Christmas tradition at the Hayes Presidential Library & Museums since 1994, is sponsored by Croghan Colonial Bank and the Gordon W. Knight Family.
In the event of inclement weather, the train clinic will be canceled. For updates, visit rbhayes.org and the Hayes Presidential Library & Museums’ social media pages.
The Hayes Presidential Library & Museums is located at Spiegel Grove at the corner of Hayes and Buckland avenues. Call 419-332-2081, visit rbhayes.org or follow on social media for more info.