People Week of 7/06/20
Preaching from the rooftop
Dr. Jeff Cooper, pastor at Ashland Church, 2350 Starr Ave., Oregon, preached from the rooftop this past Sunday, June 28.
The sermon was about the four friends who carried their paralytic friend to be healed by Jesus but could not get into the house because of the large crowds, so they went to the roof, cut a hole in it and laid the man before Jesus, where his sins were forgiven and his legs were healed as he got up and walked out of the house.
Dr. Cooper, who has a degree in theater, loves to use drama to make the scripture come to life, he said.
Ashland is shifting worship for the month of July, having one outdoor service at 8:30 a.m. and an indoor service at 10:30 a.m. Masks/face coverings are required at both services. The public is invited to come to worship any Sunday.