Letters to the Editor Week of 9/23/19

Press readers

Support resolution
To the editor: Our nation recognizes National Constitution Day on Sept. 17. The Constitution established the framework of our government and the rights and freedoms of "We the People." And the Constitution is referred to as a living document because it can be amended with a process found in the Constitution itself. It takes time and effort to pass an amendment, but that was the intent of our founders in an attempt to ensure power remains with the people.
Currently, there is a 28th proposed amendment introduced in the U.S. Senate, Joint Resolution 51, the Democracy for All Amendment. This amendment would reduce the influence of unlimited and hidden money in politics and lawmaking.
Eight out of 10 Americans agree that our political system is out of control with billions of dollars being used to influence campaigns and legislative policy. Money in politics is a cross-partisan issue and not a problem one political party alone can solve.
Sen. Sherrod Brown is a supporter of Resolution 51. Please contact Sen. Rob Portman and ask him to support and co-sponsor this important amendment.
Ellen Greene Bush
Port Clinton
American Promise Ohio


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