Letters To The Editor

Press Readers

System needs fixing
To the editor: A few years ago, when Covid came into existence, I sent letters to elected officials to beg them to help this country protect itself.
“Close our borders,” I wrote. We must not allow people to possibly infect our cities with this terrible illness.
But those who were in charge chose to ignore our plea.
Now we will suffer such bad times because of their failure.
It seems some people feel that anyone who wants to move to America should be allowed to. So here we are. Thousands upon thousands are crossing our borders and we have no idea where they came from or what kind of people they are. Could they be criminals, mentally disturbed, sickly, trouble makers?
They all need many things; food, clothing, medical help, housing jobs, transportation.
Who will support all these people and who will pay the bill for all this?
You and I and all the working people always pay the bills for everything. Remember, politicians don’t make a product to produce a profit. They take the worker tax dollars from every worker’s paycheck and give them to whom they choose.
There is something wrong here when we have citizens who can’t afford today’s inflation and our president gives away billions of dollars of taxpayer dollars to foreign countries.
We continue to vote the same leaders back into office and we get deeper into debt.
Larry Erard

Problem is real
To the editor: In his guest editorial (Jan. 16 issue of The Press), Chris Talgo, of The Heartland Institute, questions the findings of Paul Ehrlich about over population and global warming.
If you check, 160 species have gone extinct in the last 10 years with many on the endangered list. Heartland praises big oil and denies it is a main cause of global warming. Scientists have proven the causation for more than three decades. Global warming is drying up our water supplies and turning much land to desert. We can’t live without water.
Another big lie is over population isn’t a problem. Due to over population, much farmland is being sold to developers and cutting food supply. We can’t live without food.
I know the Catholic church depends on more people for revenue. Where are we going to get all the raw materials to provide for these millions of extra people?
Conservatives are well known for burying their heads in the sand and ignoring real problems but that won’t make extinction go away. As our water and food supplies die from extreme heat and a lack of land, millions of more people inherit the earth and our oxygen turns to carbon monoxide.
We have a real problem as intelligent people know.
Albert Kapustar


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