Letters To The Editor
Unequal treatment
To the editor: On Jan 6, 2019 my wife stopped at the Meijer gas station on Wheeling Street.
There was a large pick-up truck two bays up from her with the engine running. The truck suddenly revved up and slammed into my wife’s car while she was still in the driver’s seat. The impact caused the hood hinges of her car to break loose and the windshield to break. The engine mounts broke loose.
The pick-up sped off to the parking lot of the Meijer store next door.
The gas station attendant checked on my wife and called the Northwood police who arrived minutes later. My wife called me and when I arrived she said her chest slammed into the steering wheel and her lower back was hurting but she didn’t want to go to the hospital.
A day later a Northwood officer who was investigating the accident said the gas station had surveillance cameras and it caught a photo of someone from the truck. The police posted the photo online and someone was able to identify him. Acting on the tip, police located the truck at a house in Oregon. The owner gave police a story and the police gave a ticket to the woman who was driving the truck at the gas station.
You would think leaving the scene of an accident would be a felony and result in being arrested; not for the accident per se, but for not stopping to see if anyone was injured. But the officer said it was a misdemeanor.
I went to the court hearing for the woman who was driving and her attorney was very friendly with the judge. The woman received a $250 fine but there was no suspension of her license.
This is justice?
Fast forward to 2022 and an Elmore woman is sentenced for leaving the scene of an accident on Ayers Road where she hit two youths pushing a motor bike. They were seriously injured and she was sentenced to two 11-month consecutive jail terms.
I ask why we weren’t treated equally in our case.
Larry Erard