Letters To The Editor

Press Readers

Disgruntled Dem
or something else?
To the editor: The letter "Dems, Chinese use similar tactics" in the July 29 edition at first appears to come from a disgruntled Democrat. But after reading the old worn out phrases and incorrect claims about Vice President Kamala Harris it's plain to see that the letter writer too has an opinion shared by the extreme right.
Please tell me to whom is she making her final statement, "You've already lost the value of your primary vote..." to? She didn't lose anything.
Dick Nolte

Trump supporters
To the editor: I get tired of all the lies Trump supporters spout from being brainwashed.
Recent letters in The Press upset me. Prisons are not a paradise except for the kind Trump should be going to. They do not have TVs in every cell, good plentiful food, or recreation. Republicans destroyed all that along with educational programs to help prisoners become society members.
Another letter praised Trump. He should be in jail for trying to lead a revolt and destroy democracy and have the Georgia governor change the electoral vote.
So far his handpicked corrupt judges have kept him out of prison. Corruption and lying are what Republicans do best. They have tried to portray themselves as for the people but 66 percent of all billionaires support and give heavily to Republicans. They are not doing that out of the goodness of their heart.
In Trump’s first reign, people had to stay at his hotels to get his ear and paid heavily. It’s called buying influence.
Just like any Fascist dictatorship, Republicans are already banning books and controlling schools and colleges for what they can teach - like in any dictatorship.
Global warming is destroying the earth as people deluded by conspiracy theories praise it. The Republican appointed Supreme Court has ruled against most EPA controls which will result in the murder of thousands.
We have seen the post office destroyed in their attempts to privatize everything.
Daily we read of unarmed people being killed by the police. The Republicans put police on a pedestal to do what they want with no controls. The police themselves back violence by supporting
Trump when his minions hurt police officers who were actually doing their job protecting our government.
If you want a rational, sane government back Democrats. If you want a dictatorship vote Republican.
Albert Kapustar


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