Legislation would mandate Ohio school cellphone policies

Tammy Walro

        Ohio public school districts would have to create policies limiting cellphone use in schools – or use a model policy the state would create – under an amended bill approved Tuesday by the state Senate.
        Exceptions are provided in the measure for student use of cellphones if needed to monitor a health condition, as part of an individualized education program, or as a school-determined learning tool.
        Otherwise, the legislation follows what Gov. Mike DeWine again asked legislators for in his April 10 State of the State address: a law restricting cellphone use in K-12 public schools to reduce learning distractions.
        The Senate amendment was added to Ohio House Bill 250, which provides a means for earning military enlistment seals on student diplomas. As of The Press deadline on Thursday, the measure was being sent back to the House for approval.
        If the House approves the amended bill, it would be forwarded to DeWine for his signature. Once signed into law, cellphone restrictions would go into effect on July 1, 2025. That means school districts would have to implement policies for limiting cellphone use beginning with the 2025-2026 school year.
        The Senate amendment requires the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce to create a policy for limiting cellphone use that school districts could adopt in the event they don't want to create their own policies.
        DeWine had indicated in his address that he preferred that school districts create their own policies on limiting cellphone use so they could take local input into account.
        Some parents look at the reduced screen time as a good thing, and many teachers feel like limiting cellphones would improve learning. At the same time, other parents say cellphones enable them to keep track of and reach their children, especially  in an emergency situation such as a school shooter situation in a state that has reduced restrictions on guns.


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