Lake Twp. Road repair contract to be awarded
The Lake Township trustees were pleasantly surprised when they received contract bids for resurfacing streets; five contractors submitted bids, compared to only one last year.
The bidders are: Gerken Paving, Henry Bergman, Inc., Crestline Paving & Excavating, Shelly Co. and Bowers Asphalt & Paving.
The township plans to resurface Ayers Road, from Luckey Road to East Broadway and from East Broadway west for 315 feet; Orchard Place, Orville Court from Orchard Place to the cul-de-sac, Wagner Drive, William Drive, Ella Street, Springbrook Drive, Ridgewood Place, Ridge Lane and Eastpointe Drive.
Jeff Pettit, chairman of the board of trustees, said a contract will probably be awarded at the Aug. 20 meeting of the trustees.
Load limits needed
The trustees have been advised the Wood County engineer’s office is recommending load limits be set for two spans in the township.
The trustees read a letter during their meeting Tuesday from John Musteric, county engineer that recommended limits for eight bridges in the county, including two on Millbury Road in the northwest corner of the township.
A recommendation for a Drouillard Road bridge in the Village of Walbridge is also included in the list.
The other bridges are located on Potter Road in Plain Township, Layman Road in Webster Township, Hull Prairie Road in Perrysburg Township, and Huffman and Mermill roads in Portage Township.
The Wood County commissioners on July 18 approved a resolution authorizing the engineer’s office to install signage that designates the proper load capacity and vehicle configuration at the bridges.
In other business, the trustees approved a resolution of support for the City of Northwood’s pending grant application to fund improvements to the Woodville Road corridor.
Bob Anderson, city administrator, said the city is applying to the Ohio Department of Transportation for the grant, which would fund 90 percent of the project and the city would provide 10 percent.
The estimated cost for the improvements is $5-$7 million, he said.
A major component of the proposed improvements is a roundabout at the intersection of Woodville and Lemoyne roads.
At the intersection of Woodville and Williston roads, curb ramps and pedestrian cross walk signals would be installed.
Sidewalks and crosswalks would also be installed along the corridor.