Harris-Elmore alumni hold annual banquet

Staff Writer

About 160 alumni and guests attended the annual banquet of the Harris-Elmore Alumni Association at Ole Zim’s Wagon Shed.
Ten members of the class of 1953 were introduced by Mary Lou Hasselkus Kruse; 17 members of the class of 1958 were introduced by David Haar; 25 members of the class of 1963 were introduced by Michael Bergman, and 26 members of the class of 1968 were introduced by Carol Blausey Bolander.
Dorothy Roberts Shute was awarded a prize for driving the oldest car to the banquet and Betty Shaffer Brown was awarded a prize for being the oldest graduate present.
Bill Hesselbart received a prize for coming the longest distance and Jim Derickson for driving the longest distance. The prize for the oldest graduate present who was in the military went to Loren Sampson.


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