Genoa chamber accepting nominations for awards
The Genoa Area Chamber of Commerce is accepting nominations for its annual awards program that recognizes businesses for innovation, vision, achievement and support of the local economy and quality of life.
Categories are:
Emerging Business of the Year: This award recognizes the founder, owner, chief executive officer or president of a company demonstrating a high level of leadership, perseverance, creativity, and determination to be successful.
Criteria: Must be from an active business located or operating in the Genoa Area showing exceptional growth through the creation of additional jobs, revenue growth, innovative products or services, exemplary customer service or community involvement and volunteerism.
Innovation in Business/Visionary (business or individual): This award recognizes the development of an innovative product, valuable new service, or the adaptation and improvement of a current product or service to keep pace with the times and the needs of clients.
Criteria: Receiving national or international recognition for products/services, a small business that has grown to become a large company or a large company that has contributed to the growth or success of the small business community.
Outstanding Professional Service/Customer Service Excellence: This award recognizes a demonstrated history of positive customer feedback, creation of innovative programming or initiative in customer service.
Criteria: Demonstrated excellence in professional service industry with significant contributions to the successful operation of a business and the needs of the Genoa Area community.
Lifetime Achievement Award: This award recognizes Genoa Area business community members who have not only made their mark in the world of commerce, but have enriched the community at large for at least the past 10 years.
Community Service Project of the Year: This award recognizes the business or group’s involvement with the betterment of the community.
Criteria: Demonstrated community leadership and unselfishness toward the economic betterment of the Genoa Area.
Outstanding Community Support: This award acknowledges a business person or group whose civic and community service goes beyond “normal” responsibilities, creating a lasting and beneficial impact for all residents.
Criteria: A demonstrated commitment to public service while maintaining a strong business image and values that align with the Genoa community.
The submission deadline is Sept. 20. The award committee will read and vote on the winning person/organization which will be announced at the chamber’s annual meeting.
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