Crime Prevention Corner: Incidents of child abuse may spike along with COVID-19 cases
As the time goes by during which we stay home due to the coronavirus pandemic, the likelihood of incidents of child abuse may very well spike.
Tempers can flare as we get tired of being cooped up in our abodes, and the pent-up energy in our kids can lead to the release of more than their normal amounts of rambunctious natures. Parents who have already had enough of their own stress may then lash out that their youngsters.
When you add this to work, financial and health stresses parents may be experiencing, it can make matters even worse.
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, so now is the perfect time to focus on these issues.
If you find yourself snapping at the kids during these trying times, take a deep breath before you act. Leave the room to regain your composure
There are things you can do to help prevent these situations from arising.
First, try to keep things as normal as possible by sticking to at least some of your typical routines. Make a plan for the day that includes adequate time for the children to eat breakfast and to complete their school work. Plan a lunch break, and this will mimic their usual pattern of going to school.
Allow time for some supervised outdoor play to give the kids an opportunity to release their energy. Take part in their playtime activities – it can be good for both you and your children.
Planning a good late-afternoon or early-evening meal should always be part of your daily plan. Sit down as a family for the meal and talk about what has happened that day. Ask the kids if there is something special they would like to do the next day and try to incorporate those ideas into the plan, if possible. If the kids’ ideas are not feasible, honestly explain to them why.
Stick to your normal bedtimes. Just because there is no physical school to attend the next day is no reason to let kids stay up later at night. The same goes for parents.
Getting the proper amount of sleep at the appropriate times can help keep tempers in check.
If you follow these steps and the kids still seem to get on your nerves, see if grandparents or other trusted adults can step in to take care of the kids for a few hours. This can allow you time to “hit the reset button” and get back to the routine.
If you know of incidents of child abuse that are occurring, please report them to your local Children's Protective Services agency or to your local law enforcement agency.
This article is a public service from the Crime Prevention Division of the Lake Township Police Department. Township residents may obtain further information on crime prevention and public safety topics by contacting Ron Craig, crime prevention specialist/community policing officer, at 419-481-6354.