Audits find weaknesses

Press Staff Writer

The Ohio auditor’s office has found material weaknesses in the financial statements of the Ottawa County Family and Children First Council and Woodville Township.
The audits’ reports, released last week, covered the years 2021 and 2022.
In 2022, the township inappropriately recorded $2,405 from the sale of an air compressor and $2,081 from the sale of a motor in the fire levy fund. Given the source of the receipts, the amounts and related budgeted receipts should have been recorded in a permanent improvement fund, the auditor’s report said, adding, “The error occurred due to a lack of policies and procedures over reviewing sales of capital asset receipts for proper fund posting.”
The township has agreed to follow the Ohio Revised Code and use a permanent improvement fund to record revenue from the sale of its assets.
The auditor’s office identified material and immaterial misstatements in the financial statements of the Family and Children First Council that were undetected by the council’s internal controls over financial reports.
The misstatements were found in intergovernmental receipts, local contributions, personal and contractual services, supplies and materials, fund balances and others.
“Misstatements were caused as a result of failure to properly record transactions in the fiscal agent’s system with identification of fund classification,” the auditor’s report says.
The report didn’t find the township or council were missing any funds and there were no findings for recovery issued.


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