Ag Notes Week of 2/1/2021
Board organizes
The Wood Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors recently met for a regular meeting and administered the oath of office to two new members, Logan Riker-Chamberlain and Matthew Davis.
Officers include Kris Swartz, chair; Lee E. Sundermeier, vice-chair; Dylan Baer, fiscal agent; Logan Riker-Chamberlain, secretary and member Matt Davis.
The board of supervisors meets the third Friday of each month at 8 a.m. at the district office. All meetings are open to the public and are held at the Wood SWCD Office, located at 1616 East Wooster St., Suite 32, Bowling Green, and via Zoom. Contact the district at or call the district office at 419-354-5517 for a Zoom meeting link to attend.
Seedling sale,
tree workshop
The Wood Soil and Water Conservation District’s annual tree seedling sale is under way.
Trees available include:
• Conifers – American Arborvitae, Colorado Blue Spruce, Norway Spruce, and Bald Cypress;
• Hardwoods: Red Maple, Shagbark Hickory, Swamp White Oak, and Tulip Poplar;
• Wildlife Shrubs: Black Chokeberry, Highbush Cranberry, and Redbud.
Packets are $12, with 10 seedlings included per packet. Quantities are limited.
Orders and payment are due by Monday, March 1. Order forms are available at the district office, 1616 E. Wooster St., Bowling Green (Greenwood Centre – The Courtyard), online at, and on the district’s Facebook page.
Tree workshop
A tree workshop will be held Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 6 p.m. at the district office. Joe Puperi, of Advanced Tree Health, LTD, will give a brief presentation and answer questions.
Those who would like to attend are asked to make a reservation to help ensure proper social distancing. Face masks are required. A Zoom link will also be provided at registration for those who would like to attend virtually.
Register online at or call the district office at 419-354-5517, #4.