Accommodations planned for Penta Career Center traffic
Summer is nearly over and school bells are ringing throughout the area. With safety always in mind, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is doing its part to make back-to-school as safe as can be.
An ongoing project on Buck Road in Perrysburg Township near the entrance to Penta Career Center will create a unique traffic situation for students on their first day on Monday, Aug. 26.
In the traffic phase that began Saturday, Aug. 17:
• Traffic will remain eastbound only on Buck Road between Bates Road and Lime City Road;
• Westbound Buck Road traffic will have access to business driveways only; no access to Lime City Road;
• Lime City Road north of Buck Road will be closed;
• Lime City Road between Buck and Mandell roads will be bi-directional;
When Penta Career Center begins, project personnel plan to flag traffic through the Buck Road and Lime City Road roundabout one hour each day for approximately one month during Penta's morning school rush.
Beginning Aug. 26, weekdays from 7:30-8:30 a.m., westbound Buck Road traffic will be able to access southbound Lime City Road to enter Penta Career Center. To accommodate this traffic pattern, Lime City Road will be southbound only between Buck Road and Mandell Road for this one-hour period.
View maps detailing this traffic flow online at
“This project had an aggressive schedule to complete most of the work over the summer. Unfortunately, we ran into utility delays that caused us to still have ongoing construction as school is starting,” said Patrick McColley, ODOT District 2 deputy director. “This unique morning traffic flagging operation will allow easier and safer flow of student traffic to Penta Career Center,” he said.
The project includes construction of two roundabouts on Buck Road – one at Lime City Road and the other at the entrance to Penta Career Center. The project, which is being administered by ODOT, began in March and is scheduled for completion in October.
School zone flashers
Throughout Northwest Ohio, ODOT personnel are programming school zone flashers to coincide with the schedule of each school’s calendar. “We begin weeks ahead with programming the flashers to be sure we have that work completed in time for the start of school,” said Chris Hughes, ODOT District 1 deputy director. The signs display flashing lights to indicate a reduced speed during certain times of day. ODOT signal electricians also program the days each school is off for holidays when possible, said Hughes.
Approximately 90 school flashers are programmed each year by ODOT signal electricians in Northwest Ohio.
Safe Routes to School
Since 2004, ODOT has supported student safety through its Safe Routes to School program. The purpose of the program is to encourage and enable students to safely walk or ride their bicycle to school.
ODOT provides $4 million of federal funding each year for projects that provide safe options for walking and biking to school. Projects can include improved crossings, sidewalks, and shared use paths; or education, enforcement and encouragement programs.
Several projects in Northwest Ohio funded through the Safe Routes to School program will debut this school year. The program funded education, encouragement, and evaluation programs to promote safe bicycling and walking to schools in Northwood. Sidewalks were installed along N. Lemoyne Road between Curtice Road and Wise Street leading to Northwood High School.