Published by twalro@presspub... on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 8:02am
Wood Co. Committee on Aging offering memory screenings
Are you concerned about memory loss? Interested in finding out how your memory is now as a baseline for future comparison?
Published by twalro@presspub... on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 7:59am
Many elderly and disabled persons may need transportation services to and from a variety of destinations, not the least of which are medical appointments.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 7:50am
There were no tricks, just treats, as Ottawa County Riverview Healthcare Campus held its 19th Annual Trick or Treat event Oct. 27.
Families enjoyed Trick or Treating throughout the facility with residents ready to fill the eager costumed cuties’ candy bags.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 7:48am
Joint pain, especially knee pain, is extremely common. When the pain worsens and starts to affect your everyday activities, people start to pay attention to it and seek medical advice for treatment.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Sat, 11/09/2019 - 7:39am
Older adults can be at higher risk for death from a home fire due to physical changes and homes that were not designed for their changing needs, among other factors.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Sun, 09/15/2019 - 6:27am
One of our cats once brought a live chipmunk into our house and just dropped it. (Our felines also brought in live rabbits, mice, voles, birds, and more, but let’s focus on the chipmunk for today.)
Published by twalro@presspub... on Sun, 09/15/2019 - 6:25am
The aroma of apples and spices mixed with the scent of wood fires and falling leaves mark a change of season and herald the celebration of Apple Week at Sauder Village in Archbold.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Sun, 09/15/2019 - 6:22am
In recognition of National Suicide Prevention Week, held Sept. 8-14, Ursel J. McElroy, director of the Ohio Department of Aging encouraged all Ohioans to connect with older friends and loved ones and become aware of resources that can prevent suicide.