Published by twalro@presspub... on Sun, 10/15/2023 - 7:31am
The Oak Harbor Apple Festival, which will be held Oct. 14-15 in downtown Oak Harbor, is partnering with Zero Waste Event Productions (ZWEP) to implement a recycling/composting program for the 2023 festival.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Sun, 10/15/2023 - 7:29am
Hayes Presidential Library & Museums is collecting gifts and birthday items to give local kids in foster or kinship care for birthday celebrations, in conjunction with the wrap-up of President Hayes’ 200th Birthday Celebration.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Sun, 10/15/2023 - 7:27am
With Halloween around the corner, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says it’s a good time to consider ways to improve the safety of trick-or-treaters planning to roam neighborhoods and communities.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Mon, 09/18/2023 - 1:00pm
The American Red Cross is experiencing a national blood shortage. Fewer donors than needed gave this summer, drawing down the national blood supply and reducing distributions of some of the most-needed blood types to hospitals.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Mon, 09/18/2023 - 12:49pm
New research by the renowned National Center for Family and Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University finds homeownership has declined nationally in recent years, with adults who have never been married comprising the lowest percentage of homeowners.
Published by twalro@presspub... on Mon, 09/18/2023 - 12:45pm
During the month of July, Wendy’s restaurants supported adoption locally, one beach ball at a time. As a thank you to all the customers who donated to the Adopt America Network’s beach ball sale, Wendy’s presented a check for $23,002 to Adopt America Network Sept.